Monday, 25 February 2013

A Detailed Guide to Getting New Teeth in Victoria with “All-on-4” Dental Implants, PART 3

This four-part article series provides an in-depth discussion on what the “All-on-4” technique is, how it works and its benefits over other traditional tooth replacement technologies.

Welcome back to our four-part article series on “All-on-4” dental implants and how this breakthrough technique has revolutionized the fields of fixed oral rehabilitation and dental implantology. In our previous article post, the second installment of the series, we took a look at how the “All-on-4” technique works and how, through the careful and precise orientation of only four dental implants in the mouth, patients can get a complete set of new teeth in one day, typically without the need for bone grafting surgery first. What we didn’t mention in our previous article post is that the benefits afforded by the very nature of the “All-on-4” surgery and its outcomes are unprecedented in the history of tooth loss treatment.

In this article, the third installment of the series, we shall be taking a closer look at the benefits and advantages of the “All-on-4” technique.

“All-on-4” Dental Implants: What Patients Can Expect

New teeth Victoria

Getting new teeth in Victoria generally requires a single surgical procedure and a single day spent in a dental center. The new teeth that patients get are fixed and non-removable, which means:

  • You will never need to remove your teeth for cleaning or at nighttime,
  • You will never need to use messy adhesives again,
  • Your new teeth will not press on or rub against your gums, and as a result:
  • They do not typically cause the gums to become painful and inflamed,
  • They facilitate a strong and natural bite,
  • They are looked after and maintained just like natural teeth: with daily brushing and flossing.

Removable dentures rely, in part, on their bulkiness to remain fixed in the mouth. Because the customized prosthetic dental bridge used in the “All-on-4” is attached ‘permanently’ and irremovably to dental implants, its construction can be far slimmer. This means:

  • Your new teeth are not bulky and do not rub against the palate, causing terrible sores to develop,
  • They do not trigger the gag reflex,
  • They do not impede your ability to taste your food properly and experience its temperature and texture.

Most importantly, the benefits of getting new teeth in Victoria with “All-on-4” implants are:

  • You can speak and smile with 100% confidence,
  • You can eat all the foods you love,
  • You can go to bed with your teeth in your mouth,
  • Your teeth look natural and they FEEL natural,
  • “All-on-4” implants can last several decades and even a lifetime if cared for properly!

Additionally, the dental implants used to support the “All-on-4” bridge help to promote the health of the underlying jawbone. By transmitting the forces associated with eating into this hard tissue, dental implants prevent atrophy from claiming further jawbone volume, which slows and halts the visible process of aging. In fact, “All-on-4” dental implants have a 95% success rate over a 10-year period without the significant loss of bone in the jaw.

New teeth in one day

The “All-on-4” Compared with Traditional Implant Procedures

The “All-on-4”:

  • Only requires four dental implants, as opposed to six, eight or even 10 per jaw,
  • Can be done in a single surgery, as opposed to multiple,
  • Can give patients new teeth in one day, as opposed to patients waiting up to 18 months to get a new set of teeth placed,
  • Can give patients new teeth (typically) without the need for bone grafting surgery,
  • Is far less invasive and expensive than traditional dental implant techniques.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Now that we have taken a detailed look at what “All-on-4” dental implants are and the various benefits this breakthrough procedure affords, it’s time to get down to brass tacks. In our next article installment, Part 4, we shall explain the cost involved in getting new teeth in Victoria.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A Detailed Guide to Getting New Teeth in a Day with “All-on-4” Dental Implants, PART 2

This four-part article series provides an in-depth discussion on what the “All-on-4” technique is, how it works and its benefits over other traditional tooth replacement technologies.

Welcome back to our four-part article series on “All-on-4” dental implants and how this breakthrough technique enables patients to get a full set of new teeth in as little as a single day. In our previous article post, the first installment of the series, we provided a brief introduction by looking at tooth loss statistics in the United States. We saw that a staggering number of people - 33 million to be precise - are currently living without a single original adult tooth left in their mouths and that a further 100 million people have lost between 11 and 15 of their teeth. We then introduced Dr. Paulo Malo - the European implantologist who innovated a far more sophisticated solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism (the state of being toothless)... “All-on-4” implants.

In this article, Part 2, we shall examine exactly how the “All-on-4” protocol works and the procedure required to place it.

What is the “All-on-4”?

The “All-on-4” is a technique for the replacement of entire arches of missing teeth using dental implants. Take a look at the picture below...

New teeth in a day

This picture explains the concept behind the “All-on-4” and how the technique works. During a single surgery, an implant dentist inserts four dental implants in the mouth: two near the front of the mouth and two near the back, in the region of the third molars. These implants are then used to support a dental prosthesis, which is customized to fit the patient’s mouth snugly and comfortably. The prosthesis is also expertly fabricated to precisely resemble a complete set of natural teeth and because it is anchored to dental implants, it is fixed, non-removable and cannot slip around or fall out!

Bone Loss and Over-Coming the Need for Bone Grafting

The placement of the four implants is carefully and precisely planned beforehand with the use of sophisticated 3D Cone Beam CT and imaging software. This planning ensures that the dentist can reap maximum support from what remaining bone volume a patient has, while avoiding damage to vital structures, arteries and nerves in the patient’s mouth.

What causes bone loss in the jaw?

Being toothless and wearing dentures has several consequences for a patient’s health and comfort. One of these consequences is the loss of bone volume in the jaw. Without the tooth roots to keep the jawbone stimulated and alive, this hard tissue atrophies and wastes away from disuse. This remodeling process is what necessitates the refitting of dentures every few years or so and it’s also what causes a patient’s face to look increasingly sunken, aged and collapsed around the mouth.

New teeth

In most cases, when patients do finally come to the implant dentist to have “All-on-4” dental implants placed, they’ve spent several years being toothless and have, as a result, lost supporting bone volume. Through the careful orientation and angulation of “All-on-4” dental implants, dentists can provide enough support for a new set of teeth, typically without having to perform bone grafting surgery beforehand. This saves tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of such a procedure and the many, many months that patients would otherwise have to spend in recovery.

Avoiding the need for bone grafting in most cases is what makes it possible for “All-on-4” dental implants to give patients new teeth in a day.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

Want to find out more about “All-on-4” dental implants? In Part 3, we shall move on to discuss the benefits of this procedure over traditional approaches to tooth loss treatment.

Monday, 18 February 2013

A Detailed Guide to Getting New Teeth with “All-on-4” Dental Implants, PART 1

This four-part article series provides an in-depth discussion on what the “All-on-4” technique is, how it works and its benefits over other traditional tooth replacement technologies.


New teeth

We’ve come very far as a society. The illnesses that might once have killed us can now be treated with a single pill or prevented entirely with a single injection. The injuries that might once have left us stricken and immobile can now be repaired in surgery with the use of titanium metal pins and joints. A failed organ would mark the end of your life – nowadays we can replace them with new ones. Modern medicine and surgery work wonders and our understanding of the importance of good hygiene, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle prevent us from falling ill more frequently. Yet in spite of all of this, tooth loss is still one of the most prevalent health issues in the United States.

According to the Surgeon General Report, about 33 million Americans have lost every single one of their original adult teeth. A further 100 million have lost between 11 and 15 of their teeth. The cause of rampant tooth loss and edentulism (the state of being toothless) is most commonly tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. But, just as we are able to prevent and treat a whole host of illnesses and conditions, so too can modern dental healthcare experts prevent and treat the nasty ailments that cause tooth loss.

And if it is too late for treatment, you can get new teeth in a day.

In this Four-Part Article Series...

Welcome to our four-part article series on tooth loss and the modern sophisticated dental implant protocol – the “All-on-4” - that can be used to give patients beautiful new teeth in one day. In Part 1, we shall be discussing the development of the “All-on-4” technique. In Part 2, we shall examine exactly how this protocol works and the procedure required to place it. In Part 3, we shall move on to discuss the benefits of “All-on-4” implants over traditional approaches to tooth loss treatment and in Part 4, we shall take a look at the costs involved.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

The Conception of “All-on-4” Implants

New teeth in a day

Removable dentures have been the preferred teeth replacement method for many hundreds of years. Even when dental implants were introduced in 1950 and became popular in the subsequent decades, patients still opted for dentures to replace arches of missing teeth. This had much to do with the cost of replacing so many missing teeth with implants, but also the trauma of such procedures, which would often take several months and even up to a year and a half to give patients new teeth.

European implantologist, Dr. Paulo Malo recognized the desperate need of patients for a new and more sophisticated solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism. Removable dentures simply came with too many challenges and repeat expenses for them to remain a viable treatment solution in an age where comfort, functionality and aesthetics are a key concern of any rehabilitative endeavor. So, after many years of research, development and clinical trials, Dr. Malo introduced the world to “All-on-4” dental implants: a cost-effective and efficient system for the replacement of entire dental arches.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

What is the “All-on-4” and how does it work? Stay tuned for Part 2 of this four-part article series to find out more about this breakthrough protocol in the treatment of patients in need of new teeth.